Nepalese Journal of Insurance and Social Security ( Volume 7, Issue 1)
In this issue:
- [Editorial] Celebrating Scholarly Excellence in the 7th Issue of the Nepalese Journal of Insurance and Social Security
- Nexus between Insurance Sector Development and Economic Growth in South Asian Countries
- Enhancing SME Performance Through Microfinance: Insights from Rural Nepal
- Influence of Online Reviews on Consumer Purchase Decisions: Evidence from the Kathmandu Valley
- Impact of Financial Deepening on Economic Growth in Nepal
- Perceptions and Coping Strategies: A Study on Work Life Balance Among Male Civil Engineers in Nepal
- Career Growth of Women Employees in Nepalese Insurance Companies: A Role of Demographic Factors
- Influence of Cultural Dimensions on Employee’s Commitment and Turnover Intention in Transnational Education Institutions in Nepal
- Firm Reputation, Firm Resource Endowment, and Circular Economy Entrepreneurship: The Mediating Role of Managerial Commitment
- Factors Affecting the Repurchase Intention in E-Commerce in Kathmandu Valley: Higher Order Structural Analysis Using PLS-SEM
- Patient Experiences of Service Quality and its Impact on Satisfaction at B&B Hospital
- Consumer Behavior and Decision-Making in Health Insurance Policy Purchases in Nepal
- Impact of Motivation Factors on Employee Performance: A Case Study of Panas Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd., Ganapur, Banke
- Determinants of Customers’ Adoption of Mobile Banking in Nepalese Commercial Banks
- Exploring the role of Eco-innovation in Nepalese SMEs for Corporate Sustainability
Nepalese Journal of Insurance and Social Security ( Volume 6, Issue 1)
In this issue:
- Continuance Adoption of Online Stock Trading Among Investors of Kathmandu Valley
- Enrollment, Continuity and Factors associated with Health Insurance among Insured and Uninsured People of Pokhara Metropolitan, Kaski
- Entrepreneurial Intention of Management Students In Pokhara University
- Examining Green Transformation In Nepalese Human Resource Management Practices
- Impact of Exports, Imports, Foreign Direct Investment, and Government Expenditure on the Economic Growth of Nepal
- Unanticipated Political Events and Their Effect on the Nepalese Insurance Sector and Stock Market
- Investigating Policyholders’ Perception Towards Insurance: Evidence From Structural Equation Modeling
- Reforming Pension System In Nepal
- Vedic Astrology and Its Perceived Impact on Management Decision Making
Nepalese Journal of Insurance and Social Security ( Volume 5, Issue 1)
In this issue:
- Conditions for Pension Liability to Become Zero Under Certain Actuarial Assumptions Imposed On International Accounting Standard 19 Actuarial Model
- Factors Affecting Customers Choice of Life Insurance Companies in Nepal
Nepalese Journal of Insurance and Social Security ( Volume 4, Issue 1)
In this issue:
- Do people’s perceptions and attitudes associate with enrollment in health insurance in a context of Nepal
- Determinants of repayment behaviour of MFI clients in the context of COVID-19: a case study of Lalitpur District, Nepal
- A confirmation of the expected interval: Ab initio estimation technique of parsimonious Gompertz mortality parameters
- Socio-economic status of the recipients of social security allowance: a case study of Kaski, Nepal
- Community-based study on renew or dropout status of social health insurance program in Bharatpur Metropolitan City, Chitwan
- Dividends, earnings and stock prices: a case of Nepalese insurance companies
- Factors affecting the profitability of Nepalese insurance companies
- Financial performance of Nepalese insurance companies
Nepalese Journal of Insurance and Social Security ( Volume 3, Issue 3)
In this issue:
- Factors Associated with Non-Enrollment in National Health Insurance Scheme in Kaski District, Nepal
- Impact of Lapsed Policies in Life Insurance Industries of Nepal
- Role of Informal Education, and Human-Agent on Insurance Industry
- Satisfaction among the Insured and the Uninsured Patients visiting for OPD services in various health facilities of Kaski
- Public Service Announcements for Health Insurance in Nepal: Perspectives from Health Belief Model
- Determinants of Self-Reported Illness: An Experience from Social Health Insurance Program in Nepal
Nepalese Journal of Insurance and Social Security ( Volume 2, Issue 2)
In this issue:
- Illness, Healthcare, and Health Insurance: Socio-economic Perspective in Nepalese Context
- Using Expected Geometric Values to Calculate the Cost of Interest in Hyper-inflationary Environments: the Case of Venezuela
- Factors Affecting Share Price of Nepalese Non-Life Insurance Companies
- Relationship between trading volume, stock return and return volatility: A case of Nepalese insurance companies
- Determinants affecting the buying of Life Insurance: A case of Kapilvastu District
- Social Health Security Program in Nepal: Opportunities and Challenges
- Perception among the Employees of Bank towards the Bancassurance in Nepal
Nepalese Journal of Insurance and Social Security ( Volume 1, Issue 1)
In this issue:
- Trends and Prospects of Social Security Program in Nepal
- Service Quality in Nepalese Insurance Market
- Pension Reforms in Commonwealth of Independent States Countries
- Causes of Voluntary Dropout of Microfinance Clients in Bangladesh
- A Critical Review of Social Protection Policies, Programs and Their Effectiveness in Nepal